Friday, December 18, 2009

jo's skiing and logan's walking

hot chocolate and marshmallows were johanna's favorite part of the day.
logan can't be stopped now.... walking everywhere.
its a whole new level of cleaning and eliminating temptations. whew!

see the trail sign?
johanna's jaunt is the site of her first ski day!

here we come TURNER!

happy little ski bunny.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh! Ihave missed you guys on your blog! Logan walking! And i haven't even met him yet!
    That is horrid!
    So I was at Turner on Saturday putting up boundary and tower pads and it is just not ready, but the base is very good! pray for snow!
    Can't wait to see you guys!
    Perhaps you'd like to come down for a holiday dinner? spend the night?
