Tuesday, January 17, 2012


so, i found purple marker on the chair in our bedroom.  i asked logan and hanna who was responsible.  they pointed at each other.  later that night i found the same purple marker spelling, "joh..." on our bedsheets!  i showed johanna and asked her to tell the truth. 
"logan wrote my name mom."
logan is 2, not solid on writing his own name, let alone his sister's.  she was  busted, but it was one of those parenting moments when i'm just trying to stifle the laughter!

we were working on our thank you notes after christmas.  johanna has a soft spot for aunt carmen, so this is the contents of her "thank you box" to her.  most probably won't fit you carmen, but they are her favorite things she was willing to share with you.  i am very thankful for the aunties in johanna's life.  she has some wonderful role models to support her journey through life.

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