Friday, July 16, 2010

aunts, uncles and cousins galore!

johanna and logan were thrilled to have cousin jordan and josh to watch in the dave olseth memorial skate park on their roller blades. its named after a friend of ours who died in a tragic bicycle accident on the going-to-the-sun road in glacier national park.
they were really good, better than my camera!

josh entertained with his guitar playing. johanna is newly inspired.

these beautiful, intelligent, kind and strong young adults spent so much of their time in montana playing games with johanna and logan. bob and i were humbled by how fortunate we are to have these cousins to guide and be a part of our kid's lives. we are very proud of the people our neices and nephews have become, all with unique gifts and talents. i love you all!

ring around the rosey, for the 40th time...

duck, duck, goose!

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