Friday, July 2, 2010

following bob around the state

here is a stream restoration project near lincoln, montana.
saurkraut creek runs through a beautiful little valley about a mile long and a half a mile wide. it was heavy with gold at one time and was mined so that the entire valley floor 20 feet deep was excavated. when they left, the creek was just an unnatural straight line. trout unlimited paid bob to put in a meandering stream with downed trees intact with large roots to stabalize the banks. now there are waterfalls, oxbows and trout habitat.
the only bad part of the trip was our treasured old dog tessa had to be put to sleep. she was the best mountain climbing buddy that evolved into a wonderful babysitter.

big toys.

bob did a job on flathead lake, that's wild horse island behind them. it was really fun taking him lunch here! quite the drive from eureka.

throwing rocks, nothing more fun for my kiddos.

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